The Arts & Genomics Centre – Anne Kienhuis
Early on in the project I contacted TAGC and have since received tremendous support from the centre and Anne Kienhuis in particular. It is safe to say that without the support of TAGC this project wouldn’t have been possible.

Stephen Oliver Associates – Stephen Oliver
Generous supplier of the MobileEye and financial support of my participation in the CHArt Conference and Discovery08

Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience – Prof. Roelfsema, Prof. Kamermans
One of the first things Anne Kienhuis arranged for me was a meeting with Prof. Roelfsema and Kamermans. These meetings were very informative and provided an excellent starting point for the project.

At the Discovery08 party 26th Sep. 2008, the first video of the project, Encounters, will be screened, and I will be giving a brief introduction to the project and the MobileEye.

CHArt – Computers and the History of Art
At the CHArt twentyfourth annual conference entitled “Seeing – Vision and Perception in a Digital Culture”, London, Nov. 6-7 2008, I’ll be presenting a paper on the project.

Fonds BKVB – The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture
Funding for the Mini Symposium

Support and assistance during filming
Akos Maroy
Peter Vos
Jennifer Willet
Sanja Medic
Camilla Eliasen
Joeri Verasdonck

Rune Peitersen